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public ActionResult NewsView(int newsId){            var news = _newsService.GetNewsById(newsId); // 获取数据            NewsModel newsItem = new NewsModel();        // 新建模型存储数据            if (null != news)            {                 newsItem.Id = news.Id;                newsItem.Title = news.Title;                newsItem.Short = news.Short;                newsItem.Full = news.Full;                newsItem.AllowComments = news.AllowComments;                newsItem.CommentCount = news.CommentCount;                newsItem.PrizeCount = news.PrizeCount;                newsItem.ClickCount = news.ClickCount + 1;                newsItem.CreatedOn = news.CreatedOn.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");  // 处理日期                newsItem.IsPrize = null != news.NewsComments.FirstOrDefault(m => m.IsPrize);                if (news.NewsPictures.Count > 0) // 处理新闻图片                {                    foreach (var itemp in news.NewsPictures.OrderBy(m => m.DisplayOrder))                    {                        newsItem.CoverImgUrls.Add(_pictureService.GetPictureUrl(itemp.PictureId));                    }                }                news.ClickCount++;                _newsService.UpdateNews(news); // 更新点击数量            }            return View(newsItem); // 将数据传入界面端}


using Nop.Core;using Nop.Core.Data;using Nop.Core.Domain.News;using Nop.Services.Events;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;namespace Nop.Services.News{    ///     /// News service    ///     public partial class NewsService : INewsService    {        #region Fields        private readonly IRepository
_newsItemRepository; private readonly IRepository
_newsCommentRepository; private readonly IRepository
_newsPictureRepository; private readonly IEventPublisher _eventPublisher; #endregion #region Ctor public NewsService(IRepository
newsItemRepository, IRepository
newsCommentRepository, IRepository
newsPictureRepository, IEventPublisher eventPublisher) { this._newsItemRepository = newsItemRepository; this._newsCommentRepository = newsCommentRepository; this._newsPictureRepository = newsPictureRepository; this._eventPublisher = eventPublisher; } #endregion #region Methods ///
/// Deletes a news /// ///
News item public virtual void DeleteNews(NewsItem newsItem) { if (newsItem == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsItem"); _newsItemRepository.Delete(newsItem); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityDeleted(newsItem); } ///
/// Gets a news /// ///
The news identifier ///
public virtual NewsItem GetNewsById(int newsId) { if (newsId == 0) return null; return _newsItemRepository.GetById(newsId); } ///
/// Gets all news /// ///
Language identifier; 0 if you want to get all records ///
Store identifier; 0 if you want to get all records ///
Page index ///
Page size ///
A value indicating whether to show hidden records ///
News items
public virtual IPagedList
GetAllNews(int languageId = 0, int storeId = 0, int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, bool showHidden = false) { var query = _newsItemRepository.Table; if (!showHidden) { query = query.Where(n => n.Published); } query = query.OrderByDescending(n => n.CreatedOn); var news = new PagedList
(query, pageIndex, pageSize); return news; } ///
/// Inserts a news item /// ///
News item public virtual void InsertNews(NewsItem news) { if (news == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("news"); _newsItemRepository.Insert(news); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityInserted(news); } ///
/// Updates the news item /// ///
News item public virtual void UpdateNews(NewsItem news) { if (news == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("news"); _newsItemRepository.Update(news); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityUpdated(news); } ///
/// Gets news /// ///
The news identifiers ///
public virtual IList
GetNewsByIds(int[] newsIds) { var query = _newsItemRepository.Table; return query.Where(p => newsIds.Contains(p.Id)).ToList(); } ///
/// Gets all comments /// ///
Customer identifier; 0 to load all records ///
public virtual IList
GetAllComments(int customerId) { var query = from c in _newsCommentRepository.Table orderby c.CreatedOn where (customerId == 0 || c.CustomerId == customerId) select c; var content = query.ToList(); return content; } ///
/// Gets a news comment /// ///
News comment identifier ///
News comment
public virtual NewsComment GetNewsCommentById(int newsCommentId) { if (newsCommentId == 0) return null; return _newsCommentRepository.GetById(newsCommentId); } ///
/// Get news comments by identifiers /// ///
News comment identifiers ///
News comments
public virtual IList
GetNewsCommentsByIds(int[] commentIds) { if (commentIds == null || commentIds.Length == 0) return new List
(); var query = from nc in _newsCommentRepository.Table where commentIds.Contains(nc.Id) select nc; var comments = query.ToList(); //sort by passed identifiers var sortedComments = new List
(); foreach (int id in commentIds) { var comment = comments.Find(x => x.Id == id); if (comment != null) sortedComments.Add(comment); } return sortedComments; } ///
/// Deletes a news comments /// ///
News comments public virtual void DeleteNewsComments(IList
newsComments) { if (newsComments == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsComments"); _newsCommentRepository.Delete(newsComments); } ///
/// 更新新闻评论 /// ///
public virtual void UpdateNewsComment(NewsComment newsComment) { if (newsComment == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsComment"); _newsCommentRepository.Update(newsComment); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityUpdated(newsComment); } ///
/// Deletes a news comment /// ///
News comment public virtual void DeleteNewsComment(NewsComment newsComment) { if (newsComment == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsComment"); _newsCommentRepository.Delete(newsComment); } public virtual IList
GetNewsByCategoryId(int categoryId, int pageSize = 4) { var query = (from x in _newsItemRepository.Table where x.NewsCategoryId == categoryId && x.Published orderby x.CreatedOn descending select x).Take(pageSize).ToList(); return query; } public virtual PagedList
GetNewsCommentsByNewsId(int newsId, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 5) { var query = from x in _newsCommentRepository.Table where x.NewsItemId == newsId && !x.IsScreen && !x.IsPrize orderby x.CreatedOn descending select x; return new PagedList
(query, pageIndex - 1, pageSize); } public virtual void ChangePrize(int newsId, int customerId, bool isPrize = true) { var news = GetNewsById(newsId); if (null != news) { var comments = (from x in news.NewsComments where x.NewsItemId == newsId && x.CustomerId == customerId && x.IsPrize orderby x.CreatedOn descending select x).FirstOrDefault(); if (isPrize) { if (null == comments) { news.NewsComments.Add(new NewsComment { NewsItemId = newsId, CustomerId = customerId, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, IsPrize = true }); news.PrizeCount++; } } else { if (null != comments) { //news.NewsComments.Remove(comments); DeleteNewsComment(comments); news.PrizeCount--; } } UpdateNews(news); } } public virtual bool AddNewsComment(int newsId, int customerId, string text, out string msg) { bool result = false; var news = GetNewsById(newsId); if (null != news) { var comments = (from x in news.NewsComments where x.CustomerId == customerId && !x.IsPrize orderby x.CreatedOn descending select x).FirstOrDefault(); if (null != comments && comments.CreatedOn > DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1)) msg = "评论过于频繁"; else { news.NewsComments.Add(new NewsComment { NewsItemId = newsId, CustomerId = customerId, CommentText = text, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, IsPrize = false, IsScreen=true }); msg = "评论成功,等待审核"; result = true; news.CommentCount++; UpdateNews(news); } } else { msg = "新闻不存在"; result = false; } return result; } ///
/// 搜索所有的新闻 /// ///
public virtual IPagedList
GetAllNews(DateTime? dateFrom = null, DateTime? dateTo = null, int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, bool showHidden = false) { var query = _newsItemRepository.Table; if (dateFrom.HasValue) query = query.Where(c => dateFrom.Value <= c.CreatedOn); if (dateTo.HasValue) query = query.Where(c => dateTo.Value >= c.CreatedOn); if (!showHidden) { query = query.Where(n => n.Published); } query = query.OrderByDescending(n => n.CreatedOn); var news = new PagedList
(query, pageIndex, pageSize); return news; } ///
/// 搜索所有的新闻评论 /// ///
public virtual IPagedList
GetAllComments(string commentContent=null,int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue) { var query = from c in _newsCommentRepository.Table where (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentContent)&&c.CommentText.Contains(commentContent.Trim()))||(string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentContent)) orderby c.Id descending select c; //if (!showHidden) //{ // query = query.Where(n => n.Published); //} return new PagedList
(query, pageIndex, pageSize); } #region News pictures ///
/// Deletes a news picture /// ///
News picture public virtual void DeleteNewsPicture(NewsPicture newsPicture) { if (newsPicture == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsPicture"); _newsPictureRepository.Delete(newsPicture); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityDeleted(newsPicture); } ///
/// Gets a news pictures by newsItem identifier /// ///
The news identifier ///
News pictures
public virtual IList
GetNewsPicturesByNewsItemId(int newsItemId) { var query = from np in _newsPictureRepository.Table where np.NewsItemId == newsItemId orderby np.DisplayOrder select np; var newsItemPictures = query.ToList(); return newsItemPictures; } ///
/// Gets a newsItem picture /// ///
News picture identifier ///
News picture
public virtual NewsPicture GetNewsPictureById(int newsPictureId) { if (newsPictureId == 0) return null; return _newsPictureRepository.GetById(newsPictureId); } ///
/// Inserts a newsItem picture /// ///
News picture public virtual void InsertNewsPicture(NewsPicture newsPicture) { if (newsPicture == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsPicture"); _newsPictureRepository.Insert(newsPicture); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityInserted(newsPicture); } ///
/// Updates a newsItem picture /// ///
News picture public virtual void UpdateNewsPicture(NewsPicture newsPicture) { if (newsPicture == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("newsPicture"); _newsPictureRepository.Update(newsPicture); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityUpdated(newsPicture); } ///
/// Get the IDs of all newsItem images /// ///
News IDs ///
All picture identifiers grouped by newsItem ID
public IDictionary
GetNewsItemsImagesIds(int[] newsItemsIds) { return _newsPictureRepository.Table.Where(p => newsItemsIds.Contains(p.NewsItemId)) .GroupBy(p => p.NewsItemId).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Select(p1 => p1.PictureId).ToArray()); } #endregion #endregion }}


系统最核心的还是它! ##IRepository

using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;namespace Nop.Core.Data{    ///     /// Repository    ///     public partial interface IRepository
where T : BaseEntity { ///
/// Get entity by identifier /// ///
Identifier ///
T GetById(object id); ///
/// Insert entity /// ///
Entity void Insert(T entity); ///
/// Insert entities /// ///
Entities void Insert(IEnumerable
entities); ///
/// Update entity /// ///
Entity void Update(T entity); ///
/// Update entities /// ///
Entities void Update(IEnumerable
entities); ///
/// Delete entity /// ///
Entity void Delete(T entity); ///
/// Delete entities /// ///
Entities void Delete(IEnumerable
entities); ///
/// Gets a table /// IQueryable
Table { get; } ///
/// Gets a table with "no tracking" enabled (EF feature) Use it only when you load record(s) only for read-only operations /// IQueryable
TableNoTracking { get; } }}


using Nop.Web.Framework.Mvc;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;namespace Nop.Web.Models.News{    public partial class AppNewsModel    {        public AppNewsModel()        {            this.News = new List
(); } public bool result { get; set; } public string msg { get; set; } public List
News { get; set; } } ///
/// 新闻 /// public partial class NewsModel : BaseNopEntityModel { public NewsModel() { this.CoverImgUrls = new List
(); } ///
/// 标题 /// public string Title { get; set; } ///
/// 概要 /// public string Short { get; set; } ///
/// 详情(新闻列表不传该字段) /// public string Full { get; set; } ///
/// 允许评论 /// public bool AllowComments { get; set; } ///
/// 评论量 /// public int CommentCount { get; set; } ///
/// 点赞量 /// public int PrizeCount { get; set; } ///
/// 创建时间 /// public string CreatedOn { get; set; } ///
/// 赞 /// public bool IsPrize { get; set; } ///
/// 点击数量 /// public int ClickCount { get; set; } public List
CoverImgUrls { get; set; } }}




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